Our Intention for QW SelfCare


A wise lady told me once “you have to do everything with intent.”  I’m a Gemini and an only child so I have a lot of conversations in my head.  Things make sense to me that I think are obvious to others, but they aren’t. So, let me back up a bit and tell you the intention of QW SelfCare.

We launched this website on January 16th, 2019.  We’ve been very honored by the support our product line has received.

Yes, we are selling our products and want you to use them, because they are awesome and will change your skin/life. However, we want this relationship (oh yes, we “go together” now) to be a one that will benefit you if you buy our products or not.

The main intention here is to encourage you to love and care for yourself more.   I was motivated to do this after dedicating myself to jobs and people that didn’t always love me back. A few years ago, when I was at a low point, my mother said to me “why don’t you pour the love that you poured into them into you.”  So that’s what I did. I began a journey of self-care and self-love and have found it to be what was needed the entire time. The intent is for QW Self Care to be the voice that my mother was to me to you. This is why the name wasn’t QW Beauty or QW Skin Care because we wanted to encompass self-care as a whole.

So, here we will talk about everything that I do or come across that helps you to be a better you.   It is to encourage you to step out on faith and start that business, hold your head up when the haters hate, stop and smell the roses, and vibrate higher.  (Yes, we will mention our products along the way.) We have been encouraging on Instagram and Twitter, but I plan to also blog more and add to our YouTube channel in the near future.

So, I hope this makes sense to you.   Thank you for being in our life and allowing us in yours.

Remember to love you,
