Posts tagged QWSelfCare
Concentrate on You

Typically when we start a self-care/love journey. We begin to feel so much better and want to shout it from the rooftops. We share the information with our parents, kids, friends, and spouses and try to pull others along with us so that we can reap the benefits together. Sometimes we don’t feel that we can go it alone and want to bring along a “buddy” for “help” or “accountability.” If you don’t have the right person with you, trying to save others can be more of a hindrance than a help.

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Acne happens to good people...and how to get banish it

Honestly, with traveling and the long hours at work and my devotion to QW Self Care, I’ve not been my absolute best at skincare. I even slacked off on using the Magic oil at every wash. I know, I KNOW, you’re saying “but you run a “self care brand!” You’re right but we’re honest with each other so you get the truth AND photos of me without makeup. So this morning I woke up to this visitor on my cheek.

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